October Newsletter

Message from the new President

Welcome to the 2015/16 cricket season at Taita Cricket, I feel very honoured to be given the opportunity to be President of our great club at the AGM held in September. I have been around the club scene at Taita for a number of years now undertaking various roles and I am really looking forward to taking on this prestigious position within the club.

I have big shoes to full, taking over from Jakey who did an outstanding job, who along with Goz who is stepping down as Chairman provided great leadership for the club. It is also with great pleasure that the club welcomes Dave Little a "A Taita Legend" to the role as Chairman after a number of years coaching the Premier team.

I would like to welcome players new and returning for the upcoming season. We had some great successes last year winning the Cricket Wellington T20 Final and beaten finalist in the Pearce Cup and I am sure under the leadership of Mark and with Sriram taking on the coaching role we can go one better this season.

Whether you are a serious or social player, I am sure you will have a great season on and off the field, enjoy, give your best and respect the game and the club. 

My aim this year is to grow the non-playing support base and increasing the number of Taitanium members by creating a vibrant environment at the club where all supporters are down at the club for a couple of hours most Saturdays supporting the Premier team.

Dave Gillespie

1 on 1 Cricket Coaching available

Our coaching Coordinator Sriram is running coaching sessions, these spots are filling up fast, so don't miss out!

Contact Sri directly to book your session (poster with information attached)

Non- Playing subscriptions

Taitanium membership $80 - which provides free entry into the Taitanium lunch or Non Playing membership $35

Payment can be made at the Bar or via the club bank account of 03 0531 0318974 00

Presidents shout - The President will shout 4 beers to the first 4 persons to pay their Taitanium membership at this Saturday's home Premier game vs Karori or next week's home game vs Victoria University 

We will be hosting one formal past player's day before Xmas and one in the New Year in addition to the Taitanium club lunch in February.

The first past player's day will be held on Saturday the 21st of November when our premier team takes on Upper Hutt on Fraser Park 1.

17 October-Taita vs Karori, Fraser 7A
24 October-Taita vs Victoria University, Fraser 7A
31 October-Taita vs Wellington Collegians, Fraser 7A
7 November-Taita vs Petone- Eastbourne, Fraser 1
21 November-Taita vs Upper Hutt, Fraser 1

Chairman- David Little
President- Dave Gillespie
Secretary- Anna-Maria Fradelakis
Premier Coach/ One Club Coordinator- Sriram Krishnamurthy
Cricket Manager- Shaun Gillespie (assisted by Darren Dingle)
Facilities Manager- Gary Gosper
Treasurer- Gary Gosper
Bar Manager- Anna-Maria Fradelakis

Premier/ Premier Reserve
$260 Full Sub
$220 Student

Grade Three
$220 Full Sub
$180 Student

If subs are paid in full by the 31st of October 10% discount on Subs apply.

All subs paid in full or 50% paid and an instalment arrangement agreed to by the Cricket Manager by 12 December or penalties will apply.

T20 Men
T20 Women
One Day Men

Payment can be made at the Bar or via the club bank account of 03 0531 0318974 00

The club is seeking your urgent assistance to find employment for Nick O'Sullivan a member of our Premier Squad. Nick, who arrived down from Hamilton late last season is looking for full time employment in the central Wellington area. His current job has him starting at 3am and finishing at 9am, not great when Nick is playing a key role in our Premier team on Saturdays.

If you are able to assist or know someone that can please contact Dave Gillespie on 0212644404 or Taitacricket@gmail.com if you have or know of someone that can find them employment opportunities. I will be able to provide you his CV

We have put the first order of after match shirts and Hoodies in with Kooga, we still have 8 hoodies and aftermath shirts available to purchase, first in first serve


  • Hoodies - $70
  • After match shirts - $50
  • Caps - $15
  • White Floppy hats -$15

    Please see Anna-Maria at the bar if you wish to purchase club clothing or email taitacricket@gmail.com

    You can follow the Premier team via CricHQ and keep up to date with what is happening via our Facebook page and here on the website, where we will announce the teams and where they are playing on Fridays. 

    We will be issuing the club newsletter monthly. For those members that are not on Facebook we will email you the draw and premier team on Fridays.